Why Use An RCIC?

Protect yourself and your Canadian dream from fraud. Use an authorized and regulated Immigration Consultant

Why Use an RCIC?

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) has to undergo extensive training and licensing procedure under College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultant (CICC).  The council makes sure that RCIC are updated with laws and procedures of Canadian Immigration.  Skills and professional development are required for each RCIC licensed professionals and is required to adhere to the council’s code of professional ethics.  Using RCIC is not just protecting yourself from fraud but also protecting your Canadian dream.

Please help Protect yourself from fraud.

Verify if your representative is licensed by ICCRC. 

There are only certain people who may legally help you with your application for Immigration, Citizenship and Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).  These people are Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC), lawyers and paralegals, all in good standing with their regulatory body or provincial law societies.  The public is protected by their regulatory bodies.  Note that there is no protection for you at all if you are using an unauthorized representative for your application.

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